The 10 Worst
Odors of the Millennium
Many Millennial lists give you
rankings of things that don't matter. We give you Millennial
lists you can use. "Man of the Year?" Who cares? That
won't help you learn what to avoid, but this list will. Clip
it and save it in your wallet, right next to your favorite Ann
Landers column. The number in parentheses is the total number
of votes each odor receved.
10. Cooked eggs (95)
9. Serfs (95)
8. Eau de Commerce City (100)
7. Dead mice, or other dead things (105)
6. Burning Flesh (125)
5. The urine and smoke combo in the El Cortez casino (150)
4. The dog Sophie passing gas (165)
3. Stinky (200)
2. The Gold Spike Casino, Las Vegas (245)
1. The hallway in Stinky's building on a really hot day
(300) and the interesting thing is, it's not entirely Stinky's
More Gag-Worthy Smells: Chinatown, NYC, at 5 pm on
a summer day; Chernobyl; La Zona Rosa, Mexico City, El Seis De
Mayo; the Black Pit of Calcutta, the backside of a camel; Bourbon
Street at 8 a.m.; the Gulag; any Japanese Seven-Eleven, a bag
of turkey a week after Thanksgiving; that one stretch of road
on the 5 freeway in LA where you pass that potato processing
factory; any trash can at Jackson International Airport, Port
Moresby, Papua New Guinea; any 5-day old sushi; any Dodger team
of this past decade; "Crazy Paul," the homeless guy;
the grease bin behind a Chinese buffet; Voodoo Butter; the city
of Ontario, California
to Other Lists
©1999 by Randy
Shandis Enterprises. Questions
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