The Gift Electroniqué
- Issue #7
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In This Very Special Teen Issue:
A Letter from the Publisher
Our esteemed owner and publisher would like to yell at you.
A Look at Today's Hottest Tean Stars!
Dan - He's as hot as the sizzling
teans he plays on the screen!
Mike - Mr. Nice Guy talks about his
life, his loves, and his upcoming super-hot movies!
Phil - Look out world! Super-hot tean
star Phil is single and looking for love!
Matt - With his bad habits in check,
rising star Matt may melt your heart.
Today's Tean Fashions
A stiflingly hot look at the latest fashion for today's hip, hip teans.
Tean Patter
Our crack staff journeys into the exotic world of tean Internet chat to
find out what today's teans are talking about!
Kpoetry Korner
This time, our bad poets reminisce about high school.
Fiction - Flower Valley High
Let's go back to high school and get beat up all over again in this sweet,
tender tale of those mixed-up coming of age years.
Phil's Osophy
Our resident Phil discusses one of today's hottest topics: the subjective
rating of atractiveness on a scale of one to ten.

Internet Threat - What You Seek
An in-depth study of what people type into the search engines of the World
Wide Web.