Kid star Dan Ari made the jump to television only last year. The superstar
has been making big screen appearances since he
Also, this summer he is going to star in a movie with Chuck Norris named, "My Dad is Me!" The plot centers around a crazy mind switch in the aftermath of the Vietnam War. Chuck Norris plays a prisoner of war and dream teen Dan plays his stateside son. Then, in a zany switcheroo, Dan's and Chuck's minds are switched so that Chuck Norris finds his mind state-side and Dan wakes up in his father's body being tortured in a Vietnam POW camp. "So my voice-overs were all, like, scared and wimpy like Earlier this year, Dan headed his own anti-drug crusade for youths, IDLUDAIDTYSE (I Don't Like Using Drugs And I Don't Think You Should Either), proving that he's more than just Mr. Good Looking. He cares, too. Dan said, "Hey man, they're real, like, bad for you. And expensive, too. Wouldn't you rather buy my line of Mickey Thunder Action Figures and Mickey Thunder video game?" Dan loves his fans very much and was quoted as saying, "My fans
don't realize how much I love them, especially the babes.
Dan Ari: A man for girls to want to call their own. |
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